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HappyFins SwimSchool

 +65 94550644

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SwimSafer 2.0 Stage 3: Personal Water Survival & Stroke Development Skills - Test Criteria

Personal & Stroke Development Skills

Entry skills such as the stride jump will be taught. Skills include sculling, underwater skills and putting on a personal flotation device (PFD) whilst in water and swim with it. One of the goals is to achieve 50 metres of continuous swimming.


Competition Pool

Swim 50m continuously:

  • 25m front crawl and 25m back stroke


Sequence 3A (w/o goggles)

  • Enter the water with stride/straddle entry (in deep water)

  • Swim 25m breaststroke, then 25m survival backstroke

  • Scull head-first on the back for 5m and recover

  • Scull, float or tread water for 50 seconds

  • Swim through hoops placed 2m apart (use flutter / dolphin kick)

  • Resurface and exit pool safely


Sequence 3B (w/o goggles)

Dressed in swimwear, t-shirt and shorts

  • Swim 25m using survival breaststroke or survival backstroke to a PFD (Face clear of water)

  • Correctly fit a PFD in water, swim 50m with PFD, then climb out of the water

Stage 3: About
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