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HappyFins SwimSchool

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SwimSafer 2.0 Stage 1: Introduction to Water Skills - Test Criteria

Introduction of Water Skills

The objective is to develop confidence and independence in the water, learn general and deep-end water safety. Techniques taught includes the forward and backward movement, safe entry and exit and personal water safety.


Teaching Pool

Sequence 1A (w/o goggles)

  • Enter the water with slide-in entry

  • Swim on the back for 5m (alternating arms and legs or simultaneous arms and legs)

  • Submerge head in water, open eyes, blow bubbles and identify object on pool floor

  • Perform a front float for 5 seconds and recover

  • Then perform a back float for 5 seconds and recover

  • Next, swim 10m 

  • (alternating arms and legs or simultaneous arms and legs)

  • Signal distress and call for help

  • Grasp the float and float for 10 seconds

  • Then move (with the float to the pool’s edge and exit safely from pool


Competition Pool

Sequence 1B (w/o goggles)

Dressed in swimwear, t-shirt and shorts

  • Correctly fit a PFD, jump into water (can assist)

  • Float for 30 seconds, and then climb out of the water

Stage 1: About
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