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HappyFins SwimSchool

 +65 94550644

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SwimSafer 2.0 Silver: Intermediate Personal Water Survival & Stroke Refinement Skills - Test Criteria

Intermediated Person Survival & Stoke Refinement Skills

Fundamentals of diving will be introduced. Development of personal survival knowledge will continue with a situational context of swimming quickly away from a sinking boat. Students will be required to demonstrate efficient stroke techniques by swimming a variety of strokes over 200 metres within a given time frame.


All Done in Competition Pool

Swim (Crouching Dive Entry*)

  • 50m front crawl (≤1:30)*

  • 50m breaststroke (≤1:50)*

  • 50m backstroke (≤1:40)

  • 25m survival backstroke

  • 25m side stroke

  • Dolphin kick 10m on the front

Sequence 2A (w/o goggles)

Dressed in swimwear, t-shirt and long pants

  • Enter the deep water using a straddle jump

  • Perform a backward somersault

  • Submerge feet first surface dive

  • Swim through hoops underwater for 3m and resurface

  • Swim 45m quickly using front crawl

  • Wave and call for help

  • Retrieve a PFD in water and fit it while treading water

  • Demonstrate H.E.L.P (Heat Escape Lessening Posture) technique for 30seconds

  • Then swim 25m with PFD and climb out of water

Silver: About
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